
visibility 가시성, 시스템의 가시성, Visibility of System Status

나쌤 2020. 11. 3. 12:46

가시성은 여러가지 정의로 표현될 수 있다.

[UI/UX] (2)시스템의 가시성 - Visibility of system status

첫번째로 다룰 주제는 시스템의 가시성에 대해서다. 시스템은 적절한 시간 내에 적절한 피드백을 통해 사용자에게 진행 상황을 항상 알려 주어야 한다. 예를 들어 핸드폰이나 노트북에 배터리

Visibility Merriam webster dictionary

Definition of visibility

1the quality or state of being visible

2athe degree of clearness (as of the atmosphere or ocean)specifically the greatest distance through the atmosphere toward the horizon at which prominent objects can be identified with the naked eye

bcapability of being readily noticed

ccapability of affording an unobstructed view

dPUBLICITY sense 2d

3a measure of the ability of radiant energy to evoke visual sensation


Visibility of System Status

Definition: The visibility of system status refers to how well the state of the system is conveyed to its users. Ideally, systems should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.

“1. Visibility of System Status with examples” by Shafiuddin Ahmed Tareq

1. Visibility of System Status with examples

Today I want to write about the first of Jakob Nielsen’s Ten Usability Heuristics ‘Visibility of System Status’. I will try to cover the…

Visibility by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 


Agile UX

UI Design Principle 1: Visibility and Invitation - Agile UX

Whether to progress one step ahead of the implementation by preparing and designing “just in time” contents of next iterations or to collaborate actively with developers on the functions that must be delivered  during the sprint, one of the main activ

UX Gorilla

Visibility of System Status - The Key you need to a frustration less UX

Visibility of System Status is everything that tells users where they are in the whole scheme of things with an appropriate feedback in reasonable time.