PPT를 뚝딱 챗gpt https://magazine.hankyung.com/business/article/202303303497b 주제만 입력하면 10초 만에 PPT 뚝딱…챗GPT 사용법[챗GPT 실전편]주제만 입력하면 10초 만에 PPT 뚝딱…챗GPT 사용법[챗GPT 실전편], 김영은 기자, 챗gptmagazine.hankyung.com 생성형 AI(Chat GPT) 2023.04.03
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배민 UX심리학 https://brunch.co.kr/@qls227/5 배민으로 살펴보는 40가지 UX 심리학 - 240가지 UX 심리학 분석하기 2기 | 안녕하세요. 오늘은! 저번 글에 이어서 배민으로 살펴보는 40가지 UX 심리학 법칙 10가지를 추가로 소개드리려고 합니다. 1. 제이콥의 법칙 사용자들이 대부분 자신brunch.co.kr Andy News Scrap 2023.03.31
토스 분석 by UX https://www.mobiinside.co.kr/2023/03/29/toss-ux-2/ [주니어 기획자들을 위한 실전서] 토스에서 찾아본 10가지 UX 법칙 - 모비인사이드 MOBIINSIDE[주니어 기획자들을 위한 실전서] 토스에서 찾아본 10가지 UX 법칙 - 마케팅 모비인사이드 MOBIINSIDEwww.mobiinside.co.kr Andy News Scrap 2023.03.31
Aging effect of digital things is valuable for customers? At the beginning of 2010, I thought about the aging effect on the page or a product that was emotionally touching and easy to use for marking a clue on every page so that it will make users better usability using skeuomorphism. I was confident that people liked it because it remained an unconscious breadcrumb of using everyday products. The color density of each mark would represent the frequenc.. Andy Writer (English) 2023.03.27
AGI https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.12712 Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have been developing and refining large language models (LLMs) that exhibit remarkable capabilities across a variety of domains and tasks, challenging our understanding of learning and cognition. The latest model dearxiv.org 연구분야/인간.감정.뇌 2023.03.24
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